Friday, 30 April 2010

Democratic duty

So I managed to watch the last two-thirds of the final television debate between the leaders of the main political parties last night. I'm in danger of thinking my democratic duty is now done. Certainly the effort required to watch it compares with that expended on photocopying, and everyone knows photocopying something is the same as having read it.

Friday, 23 April 2010

There's an app for that...

Ok, this isn't via an I-phone, but clearly the internet has an answer for everything. Don't know who to vote for? Go to Votematch, a website that claims to match your views with those of the political parties. Don't like the answer it gives you? Go with your guts.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Election fever

I haven't actually noticed any election fever, not since 1997, anyway. That's the last time I got a sense people thought they could change things through the ballot box. The most strident politic comment I've come across locally was posted outside my local last week, viz:

Not that I really know what that was specifically about either.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

March, April, May

So I thought I'd better write something before April slips past me, as well as January, February and March. There was definitely going to be another blog in March about cake, the meaning of the phrase 'slap-up' (which my husband understood differently from me, as it transpired) and other things, but then I ended up spending six days with the boy (little one) in hospital, and I'm still trying to recover. In the meantime the season of Spring marches apace. I first noticed that the buds were out by pointing them out to He Who Must Be Obeyed. Now there are leaves and flowers aplenty. Moreover, the May's out, so its time to consider putting coats aside.